The proper way of storing Cypriot wine

Proper storage of Cypriot wine is very important to retain the wines’ character and to allow them to mature as they should.
Cyprus is an island country with a long history of winemaking that was shaped by both Greek and Mediterranean traditions; the wines that are produced in Cyprus are best consumed under certain conditions.

Temperature Control

The most important aspect of Cypriot wine storage is the temperature. Wines should be stored at a temperature that should range between 12°C and 16°C (54°F and 61°F).

Temperature changes can lead to early ageing of the wine or even spoilage of the wine in question. In Cyprus, especially during summer, it is advisable to keep wine in a cool and dark environment like a wine cellar or a wine refrigerator.

Do not store wine near sources of heat or light or in areas exposed to direct sunlight, as this will harm the wine.

Humidity Levels

Another important factor in storing Cypriot wine is humidity. Relative humidity should be maintained at about 70% for wine storage.

This helps to prevent the cork from drying up and shrinking, creating a gap through which air penetrates and leads to oxidation of the wine.

In Cyprus, where the climate is dry, one needs to check the humidity and perhaps use a humidifier or put a bowl of water near the wine storage area.

Bottle Orientation

Proper wine bottle storage is in a horizontal position so that the cork remains moist and air cannot get into the bottle.

This is particularly relevant for wines with natural cork closures, such as many wines from Cyprus.
When the cork dries, it shrinks, and there is a small opening through which air enters the bottle, and the wine becomes rancid.

Storing bottles in a horizontal position implies that the wine is in contact with the cork, and hence, air cannot penetrate the bottle.

Light Exposure

Another condition that has an impact on the wine is light, particularly ultraviolet (UV) light, which has an impact on the wine in the long run. UV light will affect the wine and alter its taste and colour.

To avoid this, it is advisable to store your Cypriot wines in a dark place or to use a material to cover the bottles or cases which will not allow light to get through.

If wines are to be stored in a glass-fronted refrigerator or cabinet then it is recommended that the area should be covered with UV blocking film or curtains.

Vibration and Movement

Lighting and temperature are also enemies of wine storage, but so are vibration and movement, particularly when excessive.

Vibrations can cause the sediment at the bottom of the wine bottle to mix with the wine and rise to the top, which changes the wine’s appearance and taste. In Cyprus, where there is the possibility of an earthquake, it is advised that wine should be put in a stable place and not in places that are likely to be exposed to traffic or vibration.

Adhering to these guidelines on temperature control, humidity, orientation of the bottles, light and vibration, you will be in a position to store your Cypriot wines in the right manner and have them aged for many years. Whether the wines are to be consumed or to be kept for investment, it is essential that they are stored in a manner that will preserve the special features.
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