The benefits of wine to the health of an individual

Wine has been drunk for centuries not only for the sake of it but also for the therapeutic qualities that it possesses.
In Cyprus where both the Greek and Cypriot wines are part of social and culinary culture, this knowledge can enhance the appreciation of this ancient beverage.

Heart Health

The most famous benefit of wine, especially red, is that it is beneficial to the heart. It has been established that moderate consumption of red wine is likely to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This is mainly because of the presence of antioxidants such as resveratrol and flavonoids, which help in increasing the cholesterol level by increasing the level of High-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol and decreasing the level of Low-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood.

For Cypriots who prefer to take wine with their meals, this is a good way of enhancing their heart health and, at the same time, sampling the local wine.

Antioxidant Properties

Wine is known to contain antioxidants that are very vital in the fight against oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress is linked to many diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

The antioxidants in red and white wines can help to lower the level of free radicals and, consequently, the rates of these diseases. In Cyprus, the consumption of local wines, which are produced from indigenous grape varieties, provides these beneficial compounds.

Brain Health

It has also been discovered that moderate consumers of wine have better cognitive ability than non-consumers of wine.

Other studies suggest that the polyphenols present in wine help to protect the brain from degeneration and thus reduce the probability of getting diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

This is especially so in cultures like the Cypriot where food is taken with wine and this forms social relations which are beneficial to mental health.

Bone Health

Moderate consumption of wine has been associated with increased bone density.

Research shows that people who take wine in moderation have a higher bone mineral density than those who do not take wine.

This could be especially beneficial for elderly people as bone health is very important to avoid development of osteoporosis.

Moderation is Key

It is, however, important to note that the health benefits of wine are not an excuse to go overboard. According to the general guideline, women should consume not more than one glass per day while men should consume up to two glasses per day.

Excessive consumption of these foods can cause negative health impacts such as liver illness and higher rates of cancer.

It is possible to note that wine consumption has a positive effect on health, and the focus has been made on the moderate consumption of wine.

Therefore, for the people of Cyprus and other countries, it is possible to derive pleasure from a glass of Greek or Cypriot wine and enhance the state of the heart, as well as the brain and health in general, due to the antioxidant properties of the wine. As with any other food product, the key is to consume the product in moderation so as to be able to derive the benefits without having to suffer the potential negative effects.

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